Photograph shows speakers (left to right): Dr John Tribe, Alice Robinson, Laura Samaroo, Emlyn Williams, Emma McAvinchey-Roberts and Carol Draycott.

180 pupils and their teachers from 21 schools from across Merseyside gathered at Liverpool Town Hall on 28th February 2017 to hear about the different ways of becoming a legal professional. Organised by Liverpool Law Society, it is the third time the event has been held and is supported by a number of local universities and law firms.
The Lord Mayor, Councillor Roz Gladden, welcomed the students to the Town Hall before handing over to the Chair of the event, Emlyn Williams, past president of Liverpool Law Society.
The feedback from the students was very positive. Sidney Pearson, a student from Carmel College said: “Really eye-opening, learnt of possible pathways into the legal profession that I previously wouldn’t have known about. Met and conversed with people in the profession which I would consider vitally important”.
“Very engaging and has really helped me to understand what a law degree is made up of. It has also re-assured me that my options are open.” Serena Lee, Wirral Grammar School for Girls student.
The thanks of the Society go to all the organisations involved who are providing speakers and to the sponsors of the event, Slater & Gordon.
The directors of the Society were present at the mid-afternoon break together with representatives from the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives, Hill Dickinson, Liverpool John Moores University, Slater & Gordon, the University of Law and the University of Liverpool, to meet and mingle with the Year 12 students and to answer their questions about a career in the law.
John Ballam, President of Liverpool Law Society said: “One of the key themes at Liverpool Law Society, which links in with the Society’s aims at a national level, is to offer opportunities to enter the legal profession to the whole of the local community. The legal profession in Liverpool is adapting and becoming more accessible to those who don’t necessarily have the opportunity to fund themselves through university. It’s an extremely exciting time for the legal industry.”
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Also supported by Liverpool JMU, the University of Law and the University of Liverpool