Club Liverpool is a network of medics/academics/professionals called ‘ambassadors’ who are working to attract and host international conferences in the Liverpool City Region. It is a partnership between the Liverpool Convention Bureau and ACC Liverpool and was launched at the beginning of 2015. To date ambassadors have won 46 conferences up to 2023 with an E.I of £65m. If you are interested in being an ambassador and have an idea of an event to bring to Liverpool please get in touch with Jane Fawley: jfawley@clubliverpool.co.uk
The Club Liverpool team support the ambassadors with everything from preparing the bid document to venue finding and hotel booking. The core aim is to increase the city’s profile and global networks by facilitating growth in the number of high value international conferences being hosted in Liverpool City Region.
Any event which brings the world to see what we are doing in our region can only have positive spin offs in terms of future investment.
For more information, visit the Club Liverpool website here